Dalaran Heist Rogue Guide (2024)

Last updated on Jul 01, 2019 at 17:40by Kat4 comments

This guide is designed to aid you in your adventures through The DalaranHeist. It goes into great detail regarding Treasure and Bucket choices whenit comes to playing the Rogue Henchman, Captain Eudora, to help you make optimalchoices in creating a deck throughout The Dalaran Heist chapters.



The Rogue class is represented by the Henchman Captain Eudora. You will beginwith the Dagger Mastery Hero Power and a 10 card starter deck. Once youbegin using the Rogue class in The Dalaran Heist, you will begin unlockingnew Rogue Hero Powers and starter decks for you future runs.


Hero Powers

Each class has 3 available Hero Powers that can be chosen at the start ofa run.

Dalaran Heist Rogue Guide (1)Dalaran Heist Rogue Guide (2)Dalaran Heist Rogue Guide (3)

The Dagger Mastery Hero Power is the base Rogue Hero Power used on yourfirst Rogue run and is an Average Hero Power choice due to its abilityto consistently provide tempo by picking off low-Health minions.

The Yoink! Hero Power is unlocked by summoning a total of 25Pirates with Rogue in The Dalaran Heist and is a Good Hero Power thatprovides a consistent supply of value, and provides an easy way to activateThief Rogue cards.

The Cut-less Hero Power is unlocked afer drawing a total of 100cards with Rogue in The Dalaran Heist and is considered an Average HeroPower. Although it is great against the early-game minions, it rapidly dropsoff in strength later in the game due to being unable to target large minionsthat are damaged.


Starting Decks

After you have chosen your Hero Power, you will be able to choose from 1 of4 10-card starting decks. Initially, you will only be able to choose from onedeck, but you will unlock more in your future runs as you defeat bosses withthe Rogue class.



Skulker is the default Rogue starting deck. It features an average curve ofRogue cards with some mild Stealth synergyand is an Average deck choice and consists of thefollowing 10 cards:

Rogue CardsNeutral Cards
  • Backstab
  • Pit Snake
  • Defias Ringleader
  • Eviscerate
  • Deadly Fork
  • Fan of Knives
  • Shadow Sensei
  • Southsea Deckhand
  • Gilblin Stalker
  • Shade of Naxxramas


Dead Man's Tale

Dead Man's Tale is the second Rogue starting deck and can be unlocked afterdefeating 5 bosses with the Rogue class. It is a Great starting choicethemed around stealing cards and consists of the following 10 cards:

Rogue CardsNeutral Cards
  • Buccaneer
  • Journey Below
  • Pilfer
  • Serrated Tooth
  • Goblin Auto-Barber
  • Underbelly Fence
  • Blink Fox
  • Hench-Clan Burglar
  • Tomb Pillager
  • Violet Illusionist


Kobold's Desire

Kobold's Desire is the third Rogue starting deck and can be unlocked afterdefeating 10 bosses with the Rogue class. It is a Good starting choicethemed around Battlecry effects and consists of the following 10 cards:

Rogue CardsNeutral Cards
  • Pogo-Hopper
  • Swashburglar
  • Togwaggle's Scheme
  • Cutpurse
  • Lab Recruiter
  • Beneath the Grounds
  • EVIL Miscreant
  • Waggle Pick
  • Dark Iron Skulker
  • Augmented Elekk


Random Rogue Deck

The option to have a Random 10-card Rogue Deck to begin with can be unlockedafter defeating 15 bosses with the Rogue class. The cards chosen are completelyrandom and offer little to no synergy. The starting deck is a Bad choiceand should only be chosen if you want a challenge.



After defeating the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th boss in a Dalaran Heist run, you willget to choose 1 of 3 random powerful Treasure cards that you can addto your deck. The Treasures after the 1st and 5th boss will offer passiveeffects and the Treasures offered after the 3rd and 7th bosses will bepowerful playable cards that you can add to your deck.

The tables below contain a list of all the possible Treasures and Passiveeffects available and give them ageneral rating as to how good they are for the Rogue class. Thecomments give further details as to how and why the Treasures are good inaddition to some of the Card Buckets that they have good synergies with.


Treasure Cards

Dreamgrove RingExcellentDreamgrove Ring itself has quite a high variance in results. However,summoning 5 minions alone is very strong. However, there are manyLegendary minions that win the game on the spot if you summon 5 copies, suchas Ragnaros the Firelord, The Lich King, andYsera.
Super Simian SphereExcellentSuper Simian Sphere provides a consistent method of board control that,alone, can keep any normal board in check, while providing a significantamount of damage per turn against empty boards.
THE... Candles?ExcellentTHE... CANDLES? makes full use of the Twinspell mechanic, providing aboard clear that can be played 4 times throughout the game. Its flexibilityallows is to clear 2 large boards, or many small ones to allow your minionsto freely pressure opponents.
Annoy-o HornGoodAnnoy-o Horn provides a solid amount of value by fully populating yourboard with smaller minions.
Banana SplitGoodBanana Split is a tempo tool that can quickly expand your board. It issomehat reliant on having a strong target on the board, but is incrediblypowerful when used correctly.
Big BoombaGoodBig Boomba provides an immediate board clear while immediately clearingthe board the following turn. While the initial clear may be strong, thesecond effect can be very slow and unnecessary. The card is best used tostall the game in decks that use a large amount of high-cost cards.
Case StudyGoodCase Study provides immediate access to a range of Quest rewards, withoutneeding to fulfil the Quest's requirements. While all Quest rewards arestrong, some are significantly stronger for some decks than others, so therandomness of the Discover effect has a slight negative impact on the Treasure.
Elder TaggawagGoodElder Taggawag is another repeatable board clear similar toTHE... Candles?. However, as the card is shuffled back into deck each time,it is not quite as flexible.
EVIL PropagandaGoodEVIL Propaganda combines a board clear and populates the board at thesame time, offering extreme value. The only drawback of the card is itshigh cost, making it not quite as useful in more aggressive decks.
HyperblasterGoodHyperblaster provides a consistent source of removal every single turnwhich will allow you to develop your board each turn and snowball out ofcontrol. It is the strongest of the "Good"-rated cards.
Master SchemeGoodMaster Scheme is a well-rounded card that provides everything you couldask for in a single card. However, due to being a Scheme, the card requiresmany turns to power up and can be quite unimpactful if not drawn early enough.
The BoxGoodThe Box is a good choice if there are no other good Treasures available.Its ability to change into a new Treasure each turn means that you will oftenbe eable to get Excellent Treasures like Dreamgrove Ring orSuper Simian Sphere if you hold onto it for long enough.
Untold SplendorGoodLike The Box, Untold Splendor provides access to a range ofdifferent Treasures and is a good pick if there are no other good Treasuresavailable.
Dagwik StickytoeAverageWhile Dagwik Stickytoe may not seem too powerful itself, it should benoted that many bosses near the end of chapters lack significant card draw.This means that removing cards from their hand is very valuable and cancause them to run out of steam very quickly.
DuplatransmogrifierAverageDuplatransmogrifier is a unique effect that turns all minions in yourdeck into one specific minion for the remainder of your run. Thiscan be a very double-edged effect as it will remove all of bad cards from yourdeck, but it can be very hard to develop a strong Mana Curve when all minionsin your deck cost the same.
Fly-ByAverageFly-By is a fun Treasure with a very inconsistent effect. Although thepotential to do 50 damage at once to a boss may seem strong, it is verymisleading. Against earlier bosses, encounters are unlikely to last longenough for the bomb to be drawn. Whereas against later bosses, their Healthpool is so high that 50 damage is not very significant.
Gnomish Army KnifeAverageGnomish Army Knife provides a minion with a range of powerful effectsthat can change the outcome of a game. However, the high cost of the cardmakes it heavily reliant upon having a minion in play already for that cardto have a significant impact.
Golden CandleAverageGolden Candle provides a huge boost in value by turning your deck intopowerful Legendary minions. It has great synergies with Treasures thatdiscount cards like Robes of Gaudiness andScepter of Summoning. However, without these Treasures it can bevery risky due to the high variance of Legendaries.
Grimmer PatronAverageGrimmer Patron is a solid card that will continually give value as long asit is able to survive. However, it is a huge liability when played from behindas the card, and the first copy it summons, will be immediately removed byopponent.
Sow the SeedsAverageSow the Seeds has a significant impact on the strength of minions in yourdeck. However, as a 5-Mana card, the effect comes into play very slowly andadditional card draw is often required to get full value from the effect.
Swampqueen's CallAverageSwampqueen's Call provides the effect of The Storm Bringer forjust 2 Mana. As the card is also replayable in the same turn, it is possibleto play it multiple times for a consistent result. However, the card isheavily reliant on flooding the board before being used.
The MuscleAverageThe Muscle provides a big tempo boost by providing free cards.However, the effect can be very inconsistent due to the randomness of thecards given. The card is significantly stronger choice if you also haveBattle Totem.
Continuum ColliderBadThe large Health pools in later encounters make the additional turngenerated by the card almost never enough to close out the game and any tempogenerated can be swiftly removed by the additional turn taken by youropponent.
Elistra the ImmortalBadDecks drafted during the run often contain very minimal amount of buff cards and it is unlikelythat a significant number can be used on Elistra the Immortal.
Loyal HenchmanBadLoyal Henchman's effect is far too slow and far too weak to considerdrafting.
MurgathaBadIn a vacuum, Murgatha's ability may seem very strong. However, with afew extreme exceptions, Dalaran Heist decks are not able to consistently playenough cards for the Overload effect to offer enough value.
Orb of the UntoldBadOrb of the Untold functions as a relatively weak board clear. The finitedamage it deals is fine against early boards, but is incapable of dealingwith large boards like Big Boomba can. The additional fact it can dealdirect damage may also seem good against earlier bosses, but soon becomesa liability toward the end of a run, where bosses will have huge amounts ofHealth.
OverpoweredBadOverpowered provides a small tempo boost by allowing a card to be playeda second time. However, the card is not strong enough for a Treasure unless itspeifically copies your other Treasure card.
Soulreaper's ScytheBadSoulreaper's Scythe is a reasonable weapon that grows in strength eachgame it is used. However, it can be unreliable as it needs to be used againstmost bosses for its value to accumulate. Due to this, it is a terrible pickif chosen on the second round of active Treasure cards, after the 7thboss.


Passive Treasures

Emerald GogglesExcellentEmerald Goggles is a huge tempo-boosting Treasure that is stronger thanit initially looks. The Treasure will continually discount the left-mostcard in your hand after each card you play, allowing you to potentiallydiscount your entire your hand if you play your cards from left to right,resulting in many fast victories.
Robes of GaudinessExcellentRobes of Gaudiness is an excellent tempo tool, and perhaps the strongestTreasure to date in any single-player content. It should be noted that forodd-Cost cards, the Mana Cost rounds down, allowing 3 drops to be played onturn 1, 5-drops on turn 2 and so on. To ensure you get the maximum value outof this Treasure, you should prioritise card buckets with the highest-costminions after you pick it.
Battle TotemGoodBattle Totem is generally a strong Treasure. It can be a great choice forRogue, but specifically requires a deck with many Battlecry minions, suchas those found in the Kobold's Desire starting deck.
Captured FlagGoodCaptured Flag is a well-rounded Treasure that gives a flat boost to yourminions throughout the game. It is particularly strong in Token decks wherethe Treasure can buff additional minions that are summoned.
Cloak of InvisibilityGoodCloak of Invisibility allows a great deal of flexibility for yourminions, allowing you to dictate all trades that are made and extractadditional value from heavily-injured minions.
Potion of VitalityGoodPotion of Vitality is a deceptively strong Treasure most of the time.Although it offers no real tempo or value in itself, the additional Healthit provides gives you more time to use your cards efficiently to outvaluebosses. Picking up 2 copies of the Treasure will also result in you havingmore than double the Health of the final bosses you face.
ResourcefulnessGoodWhile the value of the Treasure can vary a lot, any early-game weaponserves as an excellent tool for controlling the board to dictate the pace ofthe game. The high base Health of your Hero against the later bosses gives youa lot of breathing room to trade with your weapon.
Robe of the MagiGoodRobe of the Magi adds a huge boost in value to spells. Especially forRogues with many powerful spells, like Backstab andFan of Knives, available.
Rocket BackpacksGoodMuch like Cloak of Invisibility, Rocket Backpacks gives you theinitiative when trading with your minions and allows you to extract significantlymore value from your cards as a result.
Scepter of SummoningGoodScepter of Summoning is a good Treasure that can function similarly toRobes of Gaudiness. It allows big minions to be played cheaply, butoffers no benefit for smaller minions, making it essential to pick up asmany card buckets containing big minions once you have picked it up.
Totem of the DeadGoodTotem of the Dead is a solid Treasure and is a good fit for Rogues dueto the natural usage of many strong Deathrattle minions.
Wondrous WisdomballGoodWondrous Wisdomball is a fun Treasure that just so happens to beextremely powerful. It will randomly trigger various powerful effects thatare almost all positive, such as clearing the board, duplicating spells,drawing additional cards, and turning the minions you play into randomLegendaries.
Book of WondersAverageOn average Book of Wonders is a fairly strong Treasure. It will oftenplay spells that summon you minions in the early game, or randomly clear youropponent's board. However, the small risk of random spells clearing your boardwith spells like Cataclysm prevent this Treasure from being a goodchoice.
Crystal GemAverageCrystal Gem provides a boost in tempo by ramping up your Mana Crystals.However, it pales in comparison to some of the more impactful Treasures.
Dr. Boom's RemoteAverageDr Boom's Remote creates a small amount of early-game tempo that allowsyou to comfortably secure control of the board going into the mid game.
Elixir of VimAverageElixir of Vim provides a constant supply of resources to allow you tocontinually pressure opponents. However, unless you are also able to draftElixir of Vigor, a very low-curve deck is required to get full use ofthe Treasure.
ExpediteAverageExpedite provides a small tempo boost compared to Robes of Gaudiness,but is still a well-rounded choice that will prevent you from beingoverwhelmed from bosses later in your run.
First Aid KitAverageFirst Aid Kid provides a consistent supply of healing for your minions,greatly increasing the benefit of value trading. However, most encounterswill be too fast for the Treasure to offer significant value.
Mysterious TomeAverageMysterious Tome provides a small early-game tempo boost, similar toDr. Boom's Remote that will allow you to safely reach the mid game.
Small BackpacksAverageSmall Backpacks provides you with a boost in card advantage from thebeginning of the game. The additional cards can help you play any deck moreeffectively due to the additional options available.
StargazingAverage Stargazing provides a consistent supply of value by allowing you to useyour Hero Power twice per turn for a reduced Cost. However, as bothDagger Mastery and Cut-less do not benefit from this(it is unlikely that will be 2 undamaged minions in play for Cut-less), thisTreasure is significantly weaker for Rogue than other classes.
A Prince's RingBadA Prince's Ring may look good on the surface, but is significantlyweaker than the Death knights it mimics. Without Battlecries and powerfulpassive effects like Frost Lich Jaina, Death knight Hero Powers areoften only marginally better than other starting Hero Powers available.
Elixir of VigorBadElixir of Vigor is a deceptive Treasure that appears strong at first.However, the uncontrollable effect will punish you for playing early-gameminions, populating your deck with poor draws. The Treasure is only everworth considering if you already have Elixir of Vim.
Elixir of VileBadElixir of Vile offers a short-term tempo advantage by allowing you toplay spells with Health. However, encounters will go much longer againstlate bosses and the cumulative cost of spells will often result in a criticalloss of Health.
Glyph of WardingBadGlyph of Warding is unimpactful compared to most Treasures and will oftenjust be a minor inconvenience for most bosses.
Hagatha's EmbraceBadHagatha's Embrace performs a random hand buff to one of your minionsat the end of each turn. While it offers consistent value, the effect isvery weak relative to other Treasures, especially compared to similar effectslike Captured Flag.
RecyclingBadMost Rogue decks will never play enough minions for Recycling to have asignificant impact in a game. Even in decks build around the Treasure, itis still unlikely to provide as much healing as First Aid Kit orPotion of Vitality.
The Hand of RafaamBadThe Hand of Rafaam is a Treasure that will make quick work of earlybosses with low Health pools. However, against later bosses the 4 damageper turn is insignificant and the additional Mana Crystals the final 2bosses start with allows them to comfortably play theirCurse of Rafaams
Togwaggle's DiceBadTogwaggle's Dice is a very unpredictable card. For it to offer significantvalue, a very high-Cost deck is required and even then, Treasures likeScepter of Summoning and Robes of Gaudiness are much betterchoices for that situation.


Card Buckets

After you defeat each boss, you will be offered a choice of 3 different cardbuckets that you can add to your deck. Each bucket contains 3 cards that fit acertain theme and will help shape your deck in different ways.

The table below contains a list of all the possible Rogue card bucketsand gives a general rating as to how good each card bucket is on average.The comments section contains further details of each bucket and when to choosethem.

ComboExcellentCombo contains all of Rogue's most powerful combo cards, such asEviscerate and Vilespine Slayer, and is often an excellentaddition to any deck.
SpellslingerExcellentSpellslinger contains most Rogue spells and spell-synergistic minions, topped off byYogg-Saron, Hope's End. The bucket has strong options that can fit intoany deck, especially cards like Backstab,Azure Drake, and Eviscerate.
BattlecryGoodBattlecry is a solid card bucket that contains a range of powerfulBattlecry minions, such as Blink Fox andAzure Drake that can bolster any deck. It is especially powerfulwith the Battle Totem Hero Power or the starting deck.
Draw!GoodDraw! contains all Rogue draw effects. While this may seem strong, itis a very polarised bucket theme and will regularly offer very bad cardslike Myra's Unstable Element.
Cogs and GearsAverageCogs and Gears is a Mech-themed deck that contains all Mechs availablefor Rogues. To get maximum value from the bucket it should be picked manytimes to maximise Mech synergy. However, it can also offer a few strong choiceslike Piloted Shredder and Zilliax that can fit into anydeck.
DeathrattleAverageDeathrattle contains all Rogue Deathrattle minions and Deathrattle-themedspells. While the bucket has some strong cards and synergies, it does notwork well with any of the starting decks. However, it is an excellentchoice if you pick up the Totem of the Dead Treasure.
LegendsAverageLegends contains all Legendary minions available to Rogues. It is agreat choice if you have the Robes of Gaudiness Treasure.
ScallywagsAverageScallywags contains all Pirates available for Rogue. The bucket should bepicked frequently to work, to maximise Pirate synergies. However, this can bea weak strategy against later bosses with large amounts of Health. However,the bucket can still offer a small selection of minions that can fit into anydeck, such as Naga Corsair or Cursed Castaway.
ThiefAverageThief contains all Rogue cards that steal, or benefit from stealing,cards from opponents, like Blink Fox and Spectral Cutlass. Thisbucket can be a great way to add additional value to a low-curve deck. It alsohas great synergy with the Dead Man's Tale starting deck.
TrickeryAverageTrickery contains cards themed around manipulating both players' handsand decks, such as Hakkar, the Soulflayer and Togwaggle's Scheme.Aside from Sap, Fal'dorei Strider, and Vanish, the cards offered are very nicheand will offer no value in most decks.
CutthroatBadCutthroat contains cheap, aggressive minions, such asArgent Squire and Abusive Sergeant. While the bucket can beused to fill out your early Mana curve, it should not be picked frequentlyas it will lead to you rapidly running out of cards.
KingslayerBadKingslayer contains a large range of cards built to empower theKingsbane weapon. However, Kingsbane strategies are incredibly hard topull off and this bucket should generally be avoided as a result.



  • 01 Jul. 2019: Added card changes to the Skulker, Dead Man's Tale, and Kobold's Desire starter decks.
  • 25 May 2019: Guide added.

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Dalaran Heist Rogue Guide (2024)


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